Inspired by the singular characters of Ted Baker’s Office Party campaign, we partnered with our friends at the quintessentially British lifestyle brand to curate the perfect wine for each individual on your list. These carefully considered selects are guaranteed to be the most coveted gifts of season to get all into the party spirit. Plus, enjoy 20% off your first Wine Access shipment

The Boss: Ginestet 600-Point Mixed 6-Pack Set
Your mentor, a visionary, always fabulous and there to inspire and lead from the boardroom to the holiday party. The Ginestet 600-Point Mixed 6-Pack Set is the centerpiece of any wine collection, just like her.
The General Counsel: The Decanter Wine Club
He knows the business inside and out, always prepared and there to lend an ear and share sound advice. Created by experts for experts, The Decanter Wine Club sends collectors clamoring.
The Financial Wiz: Winemaking Techniques Set
She’s analytical, savvy, your right (and left) hand, has all of the details at her fingertips and loves learning and trying new things, especially a new blend. There’s only one way to learn about wine—with a bottle open and a full glass in hand—the Winemaking Techniques Set explores four fantastic wines that display the deft work of the winemaker.
The Dream Team: Michelin Wine Club
The ones who work tirelessly and have the can’t stop won’t stop mentality, they’re your work family and the reason you love your job. The best in the business deserve the best in the world and nothing compares to the prestige of the Michelin Wine Club.
IT Extraordinaire: Unfiltered Podcast Wine Club
When you’re a minute out from a Zoom and your computer crashes, he’s the one that gets you back online with seconds to spare. His idea of rest and relaxation is sipping along to the Unfiltered Podcast Wine Club.
The Publicist: Champagne Club
She knows every trend and is your go-to for the hottest restaurant recommendations, the life of the party with the sharpest look. She doesn’t need an occasion to enjoy a boutique bottle from the Champagne Club.